A | ||
abbreviation | Abkürzung | |
accumulator | Speicher | |
acoustics | Akustik | |
automation | Automatisierung | |
automotive engineering | Fahrzeugtechnik | |
automotive industry | Automobilindustrie | |
axis | Achse | |
to apply | anwenden | |
to assemble | zusammenbauen |
B | ||
balance | Bilanz | |
bar | Stab | |
belt | Riemen | |
bladder | Blase | |
body | Körper | |
boundary conditions | Randbedingungen | |
to blend | mischen |
C | ||
calculation | Berechnung | |
calculation effort | Rechenaufwand | |
calculation rule | Rechenregel | |
cam shaft | Nockenwelle | |
capacity | Kapazität | |
carbon | Kohlenstoff | |
centrifugal | zentrifugal | |
circuit | Schaltkreis | |
constraints (FEA) | Einschränkungen (FEM) | |
continuum | Kontinuum | |
coordinate | Koordinate | |
coordinate transformation | Koordinatentransformation | |
current | Strom | |
cylinder | Zylinder |
D | ||
database | Datenbank | |
deformable | deformierbar | |
degree of freefom (DOF) | Freiheitsgrad | |
derivation | Ableitung | |
determinant | Determinante | |
device | Gerät | |
differentiable | differenzierbar | |
differential equation | Differenzialgleichung | |
displacement | Verschiebung | |
domain-decomposition | Gebietszerlegung | |
drill | Bohrer | |
drive unit | Antriebseinheit | |
drivetrain | Antriebsstrang | |
ductile | dehnbar | |
to draft | zeichnen | |
to drill | bohren |
E | ||
economic | wirtschaftlich | |
eigenfrequency | Eigenfrequenz | |
elastic | elastisch | |
electrical engineering | Elektrotechnik | |
electromagnetic | elektromagnetisch | |
electronics | Elektronik | |
element | Element | |
equation | Gleichung | |
equilibrium of forces | Kräftegleichgewicht | |
equivalent stress | Vergleichsspannung | |
error | Fehler | |
exhaust | Abgase, Auspuff | |
external loads | äußere Kräfte |
F | ||
fatigue | Ermüdung | |
FEA | FEM | |
fibre composites | Faserverbundwerkstoffe | |
finite element analysis | Finite Elemente Berechnung | |
fixed bearing | Festlager | |
floating bearing | Loslager | |
fluid | Flüssigkeit | |
force | Kraft | |
frame rail | Längsträger | |
framework | Fachwerk | |
frequency | Frequenz | |
Frequenzbereich | frequency domain | |
to fasten | anschnallen |
G | ||
gadget | Vorrichtung | |
glue | Klebstoff | |
grease | Fett | |
guideline | Vorgabe | |
to generate | erzeugen |
H | ||
heat exchanger | Wärmetauscher | |
high fatigue strength | dauerfest | |
homogeneous | gleichförmig | |
hydrogen | Wasserstoff |
I | ||
inductivity | Induktivität | |
industrial mechanic | Industriemachaniker | |
inertia | Trägheit | |
infinite | unendlich | |
integration | Integration | |
integration limits | Integrationsgrenzen | |
internal combustion engine | Verbrennungsmotor | |
internal forces | innere Kräfte | |
IT | Informationstechnik |
J |
K |
L | ||
laboratory | Labor | |
lathe | Drehmaschine | |
load | Traglast | |
loose | lose | |
lubricating oil | Schmieröl | |
to lower | absenken |
M | ||
machine hall | Maschinenhalle | |
machine operator | Anlagenbediener | |
maintenance | Instandhaltung | |
manufacturer | Hersteller | |
mass matrix | Massenmatrix | |
material | Werkstoff | |
matrix | Matrix | |
mechanical engineering | Maschinenbau | |
milling machine | Fräsmaschine | |
modelling | Modellbildung | |
momentum | Impuls | |
motion | Bewegung | |
moving | beweglich | |
to maintain | pflegen, warten | |
to merge | zusammenführen | |
to modify | modifizieren |
N | ||
nanotechnology | Nanotechnologie | |
node | Knoten | |
nonflammable | nicht entflammbar | |
nonlinear | nichtlinear | |
normal force | Normalkraft | |
notation | Schreibweise | |
numerical | numerisch |
O | ||
one-dimensional | eindimensional | |
to operate | bedienen |
P | ||
partial | partiell | |
pattern | Muster | |
piezoelectric | piezoelektrisch | |
pipe | Rohr | |
pipeline | Rohrleitung | |
piston | Kolben | |
plant | Fabrikanlage | |
plastic | plastisch | |
poppet valve | Sitzventil | |
post-processing | Nachlaufrechnung | |
potential | Potenzial | |
pre-processing | Vorverarbeitung | |
pressure | Druck | |
pressure bar | Druckstab | |
procedure | Verfahren | |
prototype | Prototyp | |
pulse width modulation | Pulsweitenmodulation | |
PWM | PWM | |
to polish | polieren |
Q |
R | ||
rechargeable | wiederaufladbar | |
reduction | Reduzierung | |
requirement | Anforderung | |
resistance | Widerstand | |
resonance frequency | Resonanzfrequenz | |
rod | Stab | |
rope | Seil | |
rotating | rotierend | |
rotor | Rotor | |
to recharge | wiederaufladen | |
to reverse | umkehren |
S | ||
safety | Sicherheit | |
science | Wissenschaft | |
shape modification hypothesis | Gestaltänderungsenergiehypothese | |
signal processing | Signalverarbeitung | |
sleeve valve | Schieberventil | |
slice element | Schalenelement | |
sliding caliper | Messschieber | |
solution | Lösung | |
specification sheet | Lastenheft | |
splinter | Splitter | |
state of equilibrium | Gleichgewichtszustand | |
stator | Stator | |
stiffness | Steifigkeit | |
stiffness matrix | Steifigkeitsmatrix | |
strain | Verformung | |
stress | Spannung | |
stress concentration | Kerbwirkung | |
structural dynamics | Strukturdynamik | |
structural safety | Struktursicherheit | |
suction | Einlass | |
superposition | Überlagerung | |
supply | Zufuhr, Einspeisung | |
sustainable | nachhaltig | |
swash plate pump | Axialkolben-Schrägscheiben-Pumpe | |
to solve | lösen | |
to stamp | stempeln, prägen |
T | ||
technological | technisch | |
tension | Zug | |
tension bar | Zugstab | |
torque | Moment | |
total potential | Gesamtpotenzial | |
total system | Gesamtsystem | |
transient behaviour | zeitliches Übergangsverhalten | |
tribology | Tribologie | |
trigonometrical | trigonometrisch |
U | ||
to upgrade | verbessern, aktualisieren | |
utility vehicle | Nutzfahrzeug |
V | ||
varnish | Lackschicht | |
vector | Vektor | |
vibration technology | Schwingungstechnik | |
virtual | virtuell | |
virtual work | virtuelle Arbeit | |
volume element | Volumenelement |
W | ||
wave | Welle | |
weak form | schwache Form | |
wire | Draht | |
work | Arbeit |
X |
Y | ||
yield strength | Streckgrenze |
Z |